July 17 - 24, 2021 Cancelled due to COVID restrictions in Plumas County
For each camper please print out camper registration form
and mail it with your camper fees to:
Sierra Bible Camp
P.O. Box 20213
Reno, NV 89515
We do accept monthly payments up to July 1st when all fees must be paid.
Sign-up early and save with the Early Bird discount - good until June 5, 2021.

JULY 17- JULY 24
A Few Shots Of SBC Campers Having Fun

Sierra Bible Camp is a place where life-long memories are made. The beautiful forest campground with its rustic cabins and towering trees is an ideal place to get together with friends and enjoy the activities of camp. God gave us this exceptional setting and the opportunity to use the facilities provided by the Board of Directors for Sierra Bible Camp. Many years ago, a few men and women had the foresight to begin building a facility where adults and children could meet for a week at a time to study God's Word and share a most unique experience. Over the years many have said, "I believe God has provided this place for us to openly share our Christianity and have the loving closeness that we do not seem to be able to establish in the short periods of time we spend with each other in our local congregations." Another common comment is that "God wants us to get a glimpse of what Heaven will be like in eternity." Our common bond is the Love, Grace, and Peace that God provides for those who live within His Word. In addition to spending about three hours a day worshiping and studying together, we are able to share a common meal three times a day; come to know ten cabin mates in a close personal way, and spend time in sports, hiking, swimming, and just sitting and talking to each other about the things in life that we hold precious. During our time together, you will learn about our great God, how he created you and the whole world, and how he has wonderful plans for you. You can plan on a week of good food, good fun, and good friends.